
大家好,Avada7.0发布不到三天,紧跟着发布了7.0.1,主要是修复。这两天我在做Avada主题汉化包,翻译Avada7.0的时候,发现Fusion Builder和 Core插件,相对Avada623竟然没有变化。到Avada7.0.1,这两个插件又有了一些小变化,这说明什么?



Avada主题7.0和7.0.1都更新了什么? - avada7 6

以上说的是功能,Avada后台主界面变化还是很大的,界面变得更漂亮,逻辑更清晰,不过功能和内容和以前差不多,新瓶装旧酒。估计Avada7 还得变,或者说还得完善。


下面我把Avada7.0和Avada7.0.1的更新日志放在下面, 中文是机器翻译,英文原版放在后面。

-修复:Patcher仅能够安装Avada Theme补丁
-修复:在弹性版式中的Container元素时,YouTube / Vimeo背景视频的位置不正确
-修正:菜单元素代码中的JS错误,导致Avada Slider和其他组件出现一些渲染问题
-固定:在某些情况下,当在Live Editor中设置悬停动画选项时,子元素将从Column元素中删除
-修正:在Live Editor中使用全按钮样式的Content Boxes元素按钮栏样式


我们的团队在Avada 7.0 Live上进行了艰苦的工作。随着新的标题构建器的发布以及容器和列的全新设置,



Avada 7.0的第二个主要目标是对容器和列实施全新的设置,同时保留原有设置。
新的实现基于CSS flex box模型,并允许大量新功能。这里仅仅是少数:

-新增:Avada Website Builder管理仪表板,将Avada的所有组件集成到一个主要区域
-新增功能:在Avada Layout Builder中添加了后元元素,以轻松自定义后元数据
-新增:增加了将分隔线颜色设置为Avada Widget Options的可能性
-新增:Avada Slider元素现在可以使用全屏模式
-新增:增加了对RankMath SEO插件的面包屑和图像站点地图的兼容性
-新功能:与WordPress 5.4和5.5的兼容性
-新功能:与WooCommerce 4.3的兼容性
-新增功能:与通知已更新的ContactForm 7 v5.2的兼容性
-改进:现在可以使用Image元素和Content Box元素上的锚链接来平滑滚动页面
-改进:为所有<i> HTML标记添加了aria-hidden属性,以实现更好的可访问性
-改进:将实时编辑器中的jQuery悬停事件更改为mouseover / mouseleave事件
-更新:Font Awesome现在在5.13.1版中提供1598个图标
-更新:Avada Slider中的默认按钮属性
-更新:删除了toTop JS库,并移至新的自定义实现
-修正:WooCommerce按价格小部件过滤产品无法与Avada Builder一起使用
-修复:在Slider Revolution中使用产品时,WooCommerce星级未正确显示
-固定:水平菜单小部件中使用的CSS ID翻倍
-修复:Avada Slider导出有时会失败
-修正:并非所有Avaya Core中使用正确插件版本号的已排队脚本
-修复:LayerSlider 6.11.1+的预建网站安装兼容性问题
-固定:在Layout Builder中为特定WooCommerce产品设置的条件会影响相同类别的产品归档
-修复:即使使用自定义页脚,Live Editor的页脚全局选项也会部分刷新
-修复:通过页面选项插入时,Avada Slider在Live Editor中不显示内容
-固定:实时编辑器中的响应断点预览在4k +屏幕上并非总是正确的
-修正:在Live Editor中图标元素的对齐并非总是正确的
-修复:在Live Editor中进行更改时,某些侧面标题选项无法实时更新
-修复:在Live Editor中编辑布局部分时,空列背景图像缩放不正确
-固定:在使用布局部分的帖子上使用时,嵌套列无法在Live Editor中进行编辑
-固定:在Live Editor中进行编辑时,来自WooCommerce购物车的PHP通知
-固定:使用Live Editor时,如果不加载包含虚拟内容的页面,则退出布局部分的前端链接
-修复:创建新页面时,页面模板未在Live Editor中自动设置为默认值
-固定:即使地址设置正确,电子邮件图标也不会在Live Editor中显示为Person元素
-固定:在rem中设置的填充值不能在Live Editor中的Container元素中正确更新
Version 7.0.1 - July 23rd, 2020


- FIXED: Patcher only being able to install Avada Theme patches
- FIXED: YouTube background videos in Container elements not working
- FIXED: YouTube / Vimeo background videos being incorrectly positioned when Container element in flex layout
- FIXED: Icon alignment on right being wrong when using clean horizontal layout in Content Boxes element
- FIXED: Modal element top position and overlay transparency being incorrect
- FIXED: Toggle element not working correctly when animations are disabled in Global Options
- FIXED: Styling issues in Layout Section elements
- FIXED: Text element auto displaying text left aligned on RTL sites
- FIXED: Full-width Section Separator positioning being incorrect on RTL sites
- FIXED: Header v7 logo not correctly centered when using the WPML language switcher
- FIXED: JS error in menu element code, causing some rendering issues with Avada Slider and other components
- FIXED: Avada Library export not working
- FIXED: Layout Section element editing not working in Live Editor when using the links in Page Options
- FIXED: Child elements being removed from Column element in certain cases, when settings the hover animation option in Live Editor
- FIXED: Content Boxes element button bar styling using full button styles in in Live Editor
- FIXED: Checklist element icon alignment being wrong in Layout Section previews when editing other content in Live Editor
- FIXED: Element settings dialog resize icons moving on hover in Live Editor

Version 7.0 - July 21st, 2020

Our team has worked incredibly hard on Avada 7.0 Live. With the launch of the new header builder and a brand-new setup for containers and columns,
we have redefined the site creation and page building experience yet again. We are excited to present the new
Avada Website Builder:

See the promo video here: https://youtu.be/Y5k5UMgOpXs

Avada Header Builder
The first main objective of this release was to introduce our new header builder, that offers a stunning level of customizability while being intuitive to use.
Here are just some of the noticeable features:
- Custom logos for your headers, utilizing all effects that you know from the Image element
- Dynamic data that allows you to pull in the site title and tagline, in case you don't want to use a logo
- Fully customizable menu element, that gives you full control about main menus, sub-menus, and mobile menus
- Control and fine-tune your menus through over 80 different options
- New and customizable hover / active effects. Use, backgrounds, borders, text color, arrows, icons, and others
- Set custom transition times for your hover effects
- Use custom icons for search, WooCommerce cart, flyout menu and sliding bar
- Added click mode to toggle sub-menus and mega menus
- Use different headers per post / page or post / page group
- Import pre-built headers
- Use the power of flex box to align logo, menus, and menu items

New Container & Column Setup
The second main objective of Avada 7.0 was to implement a completely new setup for containers and columns, while keeping the legacy setup.
The new implementation is based on the CSS flex box model and allows for a ton of new features. Here are just a few:
- Possibility for custom order of columns in responsive mode
- Distinct margin and padding values for large, medium, and small screen sizes for containers, columns, and several elements
- Flex box alignment and justification of columns in containers plus control of positioning of every single column
- Option to control the content positioning within the columns
- Set a custom width for your columns and different widths for large, medium, and small screen sizes
- Adjust column spacing for large, medium, and small screen sizes
- Set uniform column spacing directly on the container for easy control or individually per column
- Sticky and absolutely positioned containers and set columns and element visibility depending on sticky mode
- Minimum height for containers

- NEW: A professionally designed demo with a custom header and updated all demo imports to use flex box layouts
- NEW: Added an advanced, full-blown header builder for incredible design freedom (see information above)
- NEW: Added 16 prebuilt headers for usage with the header builder
- NEW: Container & Column elements now have a flex box based standard mode, which allows for advanced setups and positioning (see information above)
- NEW: Avada Website Builder admin dashboard, integrating all components of Avada into one main area
- NEW: Site title and tagline can now be used as dynamic data
- NEW: Possibility to set a custom width on Column element
- NEW: Responsive options system to control margins and paddings of Containers, Columns, and some elements for large, medium and small screen sizes
- NEW: Added a column alignment and a column justification option to the Container element
- NEW: Added options for sticky and absolute positioning of containers
- NEW: Added a z-index and overflow options to the Container element
- NEW: Added an option to set a minimum height for the Container element
- NEW: Added box-shadow options to the Container element
- NEW: Added options to control Container element borders on all sides
- NEW: Added animation options to the Container element
- NEW: Added option to order Column elements within a container differently on responsive modes
- NEW: Added option to set different Column element widths in responsive modes
- NEW: Added column self-alignment option to Column element
- NEW: Added content layout and alignment options to the Column element
- NEW: Added custom width option to the Column element and an auto width option
- NEW: Added a Global Option to set the column spacing
- NEW: Added element sticky visibility options to Column and other elements
- NEW: Added a post meta element to the Avada Layout Builder for easy customization of post meta data
- NEW: Added option to the Comments layout section element for ordering comments vs comment form
- NEW: Added responsive alignment options to Title, Image, Button and Text Block element
- NEW: Added font-size, font-family, line-height, letter-spacing and font-color options to the Text Block element
- NEW: Added background-color, font-size, text-color, and border options to the Search element
- NEW: Added border options and max-width option to the Image Before & After element
- NEW: Added flex-grow option to the Separator element to make element positioning at bottom of columns easy
- NEW: Added an icon font size option to the Social Links element
- NEW: Added possibility to set divider color to the Avada Widget Options
- NEW: Added possibility to turn off related, up-selling and cross-selling WooCommerce products
- NEW: Added possibility to easily clone layout sections
- NEW: Avada Slider element can now use full-screen mode
- NEW: Added option to change the FAQ archive page slug
- NEW: Added WeChat to Social Icons
- NEW: Added Xing to Social Sharing Box
- NEW: Added TikTok to Social Icons and Social Sharing Box
- NEW: Added margin options to the Button element
- NEW: Added div tag as choice for the Title element tag selector
- NEW: Smooth on page scroll will work for anchor links now in top menu and menu widgets
- NEW: Added possibility to regenerate related post image sizes by adding force-regenerate GET query var to page URL
- NEW: Added a filter for easy extension of multiple featured images to CPTs
- NEW: Added a filter for the Vertical Menu widget arguments
- NEW: Added compatibility for breadcrumbs and image sitemap of RankMath SEO plugin
- NEW: Compatibility with WordPress 5.4 and 5.5
- NEW: Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.3
- NEW: Compatibility with ContactForm 7 v5.2 where notices have been updated
- IMPROVEMENT: Anchor links on Image element and Content Box element can now be used for smooth on page scrolling
- IMPROVEMENT: Added support for all featured images to be used in dynamic data fields
- IMPROVEMENT: Added aria-hidden attribute to all <i> HTML tags for better accessibility
- IMPROVEMENT: The product registration now works using AJAX
- IMPROVEMENT: When Global Options date formats are empty, format is now pulled from WP settings
- IMPROVEMENT: Extended maximum transition time for element animations to 5 seconds
- IMPROVEMENT: Added rel attributes to paginations
- IMPROVEMENT: Added masonry mode to the Archives layout section element to match Blog element
- IMPROVEMENT: Suhosin checks are now hidden on system status page if it is not installed
- IMPROVEMENT: Live editing of legacy headers can now be done in place on the page, dummy content being added for better visual representation
- IMPROVEMENT: Element settings are auto closed now, when you change from element editing to nested columns editing in the Live Editor
- IMPROVEMENT: Added tab focus to Flip Boxes element to improve accessibility
- IMPROVEMENT: Extended the dummy post content for better visualization when editing layouts
- IMPROVEMENT: Element CSS files get enqueued only if the element is not disabled
- IMPROVEMENT: Changed jQuery hover events in the Live Editor to mouseover / mouseleave ones
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated several option descriptions and dependencies for better usability
- UPDATED: Font Awesome now is on version 5.13.1 offering 1598 icons
- UPDATED: To the latest implementation of the Google fonts API
- UPDATED: Waypoint script to latest available version
- UPDATED: Default button attributes in Avada Slider
- UPDATED: Removed the toTop JS library and moved to a new custom implementation
- FIXED: Menu icons not showing in custom menus in Vertical Menu widget
- FIXED: Responsive Typography being applied even if disabled
- FIXED: Missing form labels in WooCommerce "My Account" login in secondary menu
- FIXED: WooCommerce filter products by price widget not working with Avada Builder
- FIXED: WooCommerce star rating not being displayed correctly when using products within Slider Revolution
- FIXED: Header background color in Avada Page Options not being applied to WooCommerce shop page
- FIXED: HTML tags in product titles not working on WooCommerce order page
- FIXED: WooCommerce Featured Product Slider element not listing all featured products
- FIXED: Usage of fusion_is_shop() function, even if WooCommerce is not active
- FIXED: Page Options migration sometimes unnecessarily running
- FIXED: Doubled CSS ID being used in the Horizontal Menu widget
- FIXED. WPML "All Languages" Global Options not saving correctly when default language is set to English
- FIXED: Saving Global Options in WPML primary language removes the custom font settings in secondary languages
- FIXED: Spacing issue in the modern mobile menu
- FIXED: Page Options migration not working on CPTs
- FIXED: Global Options save hidden options empty when global layouts are used in Layout Builder
- FIXED: Issue with transparent header background on taxonomy pages
- FIXED: Social icon tooltips not always correctly spelled
- FIXED: Avada Slider export failing sometimes
- FIXED: PHP notice when installing plugins from the prebuilt websites modal screen
- FIXED: Lightbox not working correctly with webp images
- FIXED: Global Options page title bar height options applying to custom page title bar layout sections
- FIXED: Side header height not spanning full height when header and page content heights are smaller than the viewport
- FIXED: Not all enqueued scripts in Avada Core using the correct plugin version number
- FIXED: Prebuilt website installation compatibility issue with LayerSlider 6.11.1+
- FIXED: Assigned sidebars not correctly working on buddyPress pages
- FIXED: Typography issue where italic font parts display bold
- FIXED: Background images not imported when importing Avada Page Options
- FIXED: Search menu overlay still being clickable in some cases, even when closed
- FIXED: Bottom shadow not scaling with images when using it with lift-up hover effect
- FIXED: Color pickers jumping to same alpha channel value as the default color, when changing the color
- FIXED: Search element live results being below the following element
- FIXED: Ordering issue of ongoing events in the Events element when using the new Events Calendar templates
- FIXED: Chart.js file not disabled when chart element is disabled
- FIXED: Background hover color on icon incorrectly used in Content Box element if background is disabled
- FIXED: HTML not working in the Widget element
- FIXED: Some wrong widget styling in the Widget Element
- FIXED: Some hover and active colors being wrong for widgets in Widget element when parent Container has link colors set
- FIXED: Image element inheriting the max-width setting from a prior Image element on the same page
- FIXED: Fonts set in elements not always loading correctly
- FIXED: Social networks in Persion element always being positioned center on medium screens
- FIXED: Some minor display issues with 100% height scrolling sections
- FIXED: Icon element background color is wrong when stylesheets are loaded in footer
- FIXED: Section Separator element width not being correct when used within the Layout Builder
- FIXED: Incorrect content displayed on bbPress forum archive pages when using the Layout Builder
- FIXED: Empty paragraph HTML tags being added to the content when using the Layout Builder
- FIXED: PHP notices when using Content element on archive pages in Layout Builder
- FIXED: Excerpt dependencies not working correctly in the Archive element in the Layout Builder
- FIXED: Padding on 404 page Layout Section not being correctly applied (global one being used instead)
- FIXED: Interior Content Width option not showing in Container element, when used in a Layout Builder Section
- FIXED: Padding not being applied for Archive element in Layout Builder
- FIXED: Custom footer assignment in Layout Builder not working for the main blog page
- FIXED: Conditions set in Layout Builder for a specific WooCommerce product impacting product archive of same category
- FIXED: Navigation links not working in layout conditions when a CPT has a name consisting of more than one word
- FIXED: Menu highlight label not working in mobile menu for unlinked mega menu titles items
- FIXED: Standard fonts not displaying correctly on the front-end
- FIXED: Grayed out elements in the Layout Section Builder not always staying grayed out correctly
- FIXED: Column element class attributes being defined as protected, preventing easy developer extension
- FIXED: Container padding inheritance being off in some cases when used in layout section
- FIXED: Dynamic content derived from ACF fields not working correctly on taxonomy pages
- FIXED: Title font size option not working with em as unit in Content Box element
- FIXED: Custom dynamic content options not working correctly when being added
- FIXED: Title element rotation text not being correctly aligned, when titles are center or right aligned
- FIXED: Drag handle in Image Before & After element briefly overflowing on handle release in Safari
- FIXED: Added 5th parameter to the wp_nav_menu_item_custom_fields filter function to fix 3rd party compatibility issues
- FIXED: Post meta data filter to prevent 3rd party conflicts
- FIXED: Excluded iframes with empty src attribute from checks in fusion-video.js to prevent 3rd party conflicts
- FIXED: 3rd party compatibility issues on admin pages with Avada's privacy consent class
- FIXED: 3rd party compatibility issue with TGMPA class implementation
- FIXED: Live Editor partial refresh on Footer Global Options change, even if custom footer is used
- FIXED: Avada Slider not displaying content in Live Editor when inserted through Page Options
- FIXED: Responsive breakpoints preview in Live Editor not always being correct on 4k+ screens
- FIXED: Image not being auto-selected in media library when editing it in Image element in Live Editor
- FIXED: WPML language switcher being hidden when changing menu options in the Live Editor
- FIXED: "Open link in new tab" checkbox missing from link selector when using Live Editor
- FIXED: Alignment of Icon element not always being correct in Live Editor
- FIXED: Drag & drop issue on Container element when interior content option is changed
- FIXED: Some side header options not live updating when changed in Live Editor
- FIXED: Live Editor inline editor link field using focus while typing
- FIXED: Set Google fonts not correctly imported on import of library elements in the Live Editor
- FIXED: Sticky header not being initialized after import of a library element in the Live Editor
- FIXED: Some display issues in wireframe mode of the Live Editor
- FIXED: Empty column background images scaled incorrectly when editing layout sections in Live Editor
- FIXED: Blank page instructions container incorrectly displayed on contact template
- FIXED: Nested columns not being editable in Live Editor when used on a post that uses a layout section
- FIXED: PHP notice from WooCommerce cart when editing in Live Editor
- FIXED: Some wireframe styles incorrectly being applied to columns when editing layout sections in Live Editor
- FIXED: Exit to front-end link on layout sections when using Live Editor not loading page with dummy content
- FIXED: Page template not being auto set to default in Live Editor when creating a new page
- FIXED: The Events Calendar general options tab not responding in the Live Editor
- FIXED: Email icon not showing for Person element in Live Editor even if address is correctly set
- FIXED: Padding values set in rem don't live update correctly in Live Editor in the Container element
- FIXED: Column element order being incorrect on Column element duplication if last added element was Nested Columns in Live Editor
- FIXED: JS error in Image element preventing editing of the page when image src attribute is empty in Live Editor
- FIXED: The fusion_load_live_editor filter not being applied to all areas



